Saturday 18 May 2013

Why so broken a?

The title says it all.
People, if you're going to act like you know how to speak the language, please don't. Don't get me wrong, trying to improve is OK, but the moment you start to show off when you don't even know some of the basic rules, you're making the grammar nazis die on the inside. 

Here are some of the things you want to pay a lil' bit of attention to:

Your is NOT equal to you're (you are)
His is NOT equal to he's (he is)
It means is NOT equal to its mean

That should keep you going. Showing off ain't cool when you don't do your homework.

#MEOW-MEOW: merawwwww

Rants on examinations and subjects

Ok. I'm so stressed out right now. But it's not my normal positive-stress-im-going-to-study kind of stress. This has become my negative-im-going-to-skip-reading-this kind of stress. FYI, my institute is kind of having  an examination week right now, and apparently everyone has been giving me the i-know-you-will-excel kind of look due to my previous scores. The thing is, I'm not that good. Really. The only reason I passed the test with extremely flying colours is because I like the subjects. I'm majoring in TESL (pardon me for my grammatically incorrect usage of English here, as long as you understand). The subjects that I learn before involves the usage of creative writing, literature, free essays and so on. All of them are English subjects. However, as I entered this whole new level, we're supposed to answer papers on English subjects AND educational subjects. Subjects like philosophy, child development is killing me. Especially philosophy. God, how I hated this subject. You have heard people saying, you've got to love what you learn in order to excel in it. Guess what, I tried and I'm in the stage where couples are having their mid-life crisis. Seriously, even the walls seem pretty interesting right now. How much I hate it? Up to the point that I took my time writing this entry, after months of abandoning this blog, just for the sake of cursing this subject. I know that there are a lot of facts-freak out there, but trust me, there are also a whole bunch of people who hated facts for death. One of them is me. I love concepts, I like things that involve me not memorizing things, but applying things. I mean, what's the point of you memorizing all those policies, acts, names of institutions, years, blah blah, and forgetting everything the moment you step out of that exam hall? It's like a food for those with memory capabilities. Robots. It's like asking a painter to learn logarithms. He has no need for that. Ok, maybe those who are in education fields do need these. But not for memorization purposes. No. Have these things written in some sort of handy guide books, so that you can refer to it when you need it, but the sake of helping to save the limited space in students' brains, please don't test it out. Sigh. There's four more years left for me to deal with these subjects. The only worthy things for me to keep on holding here are the English subjects. I'm pretty sure that my results this time around is going to be jeopardized because of these two subjects. Sighh.

#MEOW-MEOW: Wasted about 30 minutes of ranting. Exam is up on Monday. And I'm still in Chapter 1 since the last 3 hours.